This is what we do: we travel the backroads to explore America and find the people and places that you don't see from the Interstate. We have nothing against the Interstate Highway system. We use it all the time to get someplace as fast as we can. But the highways are for gamblers, you better use your sense. The trips are mostly day trips. Although our motorcycle has a 150 mile gas tank, I have a 75 mile butt.
The highways bypass the towns where the people live. We look for places that have good food, good drink and good com

We are not really interested in the finer things in life, because we have neither the taste nor the sophistication to understand them. You will not find wineries to visit, health food stands, organic or natural stuff, or good places to shop. The closest thing to antiques are the fixtures on the walls and the bikers on the bar stools at the Iron Horse Social Club in Savanna, Illinois.
What you will find is the gritty, common, red meat, beer and straight whisky layer of our great civilization. The creme de la Schlitz.
It's a strata that does not believe it is better than other groups. They work hard, play way too hard, and don't save enough for retirement. We find this group to be much more interesting and likable than the pod people who shop at the tony shops, eat at bistros, ride bicycles, go to spas, and generally take care of themselves.
The roads we travel are generally good motorcycle trails, but you don't need a bike to have the kind of fun we do. Cars afford the comforts of good seats an

We will get you there, but getting home is your job. We suggest a zig-zag route in the general direction of home works best.
Many of the places we visit (OK, all) serve alcohol. Drinking and driving (especially on a motorcycle) is dangerous. In no way do we endorse this practice. All of the drinks we mention can be made without alcohol.
If you know a place along any of these trips that you think would be interesting, or have a trip you think we should take, write me at, with Midwest Backroads as the Subject.
All of our trips originate in Ridott, Illinois, because it's the center of t

Ridott Corners Tavern is between Pecatonica and Freeport on State Highway 20. Talk here is about road trips , burgers, and beer. If you're not familiar with the Northern Illinois/Southern Wisconsin area, the bikers will help you with a good day trip.
Our first trip starts out at Ridott Corners Tavern.......
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